Do you want to know more about a Personal colour system, so accurate, it will change your life…

What is personal colour analysis?  (PCA)

Personal colour analysis is a gift that last a lifetime. Colour with Confidence uses the True Colour International system to discover your true seasonal colour tone. Wearing colours in your specific season will naturally harmonise and enhance your natural beauty to look your very best. Healthy, vibrant, radiant, younger, beautiful.

Why have a PCA?

To save time and money with less effort – to enhance your well-being.
It is a gift that last a lifetime…

Save time shopping, as you no longer waste time looking and trying on clothes in the wrong colour for you. Save time and effort getting dressed. Once you have clothing and accessories in your best colours lined up in your wardrobe, you will find all your items coordinate easily as they come from the same colour tone. Putting together outfits and getting dressed each day will become easier, more enjoyable and take less time.

When you are wearing clothing, accessories and make up in your best colours you will look good and feel great. When you are looking good, you will smile when you see yourself in the mirror, and feel great knowing the colours you are wearing are flattering. Looking good and feeling great can lead to improved self-confidence, a better sense of authenticity, and being in harmony with your true self –at one with your unique natural beauty.

Who should have a PCA?

Young, old, male or female – everyone can feel confident, look healthier and more energised when surrounded by their personal colours.

 What happens once your seasonal colour tone is determined?

It is highly recommended you purchase a colour palette fan ($99) with 65 of the colours in your tone. Your colour palette fan will last you a lifetime. It is printed on artist canvas and the colours are true to your tone. Take it with you always as you never know when you might unexpectedly see something as simple as a T-shirt, gym gear or PJ‘s that can be matched with your palette fan. Shop like a boss, saving both time and money knowing exactly which colours suit you best. The colour palette fan can be used to sort through your existing wardrobe to find the clothes you already have in your best colours.

Also the colour palette fan can be used for purchasing footwear, accessories and make up.

Why not be sure – don’t leave it to chance.

Many clients use their palette fan for selecting colours for home decorating, as they feel more comfortable surrounded by their colours.


When do I wear my best colours?

At work, rest and play…At all times. It costs no more to wear clothes in your best colours, so why not always look your best, socialising, at work (depending on uniform requirements), at the gym, working in the garden, and in bed.

What happens with ageing?

As you age your hair colour may naturally get lighter/darker, but your skin tone remains the same. So your seasonal colour tone stays the same. You personally may choose to wear different colours from your palette to when you were younger, but your colour tone palette does not change. Hence your colour palette will last a lifetime – what a great investment!

What is the process?

Appointments last between 1 1/2 hours to 2 hours and are conducted in my colour studio located in Whitfield Cairns. Neutral grey surroundings and full spectrum lighting are used during the analysis to ensure accurate colour representation. Sets of calibrated, coloured pieces of fabric draped around your shoulders and under your chin, the effect each drape has on your face is observed and noted on our checklist. With each set of drapes, the colours are ranked from the most flattering to the least flattering for your skintone. The process is systematic and structured to determine which of the 12 tones harmonises with your skintone.

Where did the True Colour International system originate?

This 12 tone system was created by a master Munsell colourist Kathryn Kalisz in the 1990s. Kathryn Kalisz discovered the system of four seasons, popular in the 1980s, only worked for about 25% of people. The Four season system was based on the assumption people’s colouring was either warm or cool. Kathryn Kalisz identified characteristics which showed people could look their best in colours that were between the four true seasons, neither purely warm nor cool, she called these the neutrals.

What are the 12 seasonal tones?

The 12 seasonal tones are named based on the four seasons as we know them – winter, spring, summer and autumn plus an additional eight seasonal tones. These additional eight seasonal tones contain the neutrals. The 12 tone seasonal names are true winter, bright winter, dark winter. True spring, bright spring, light spring. True summer, light summer, soft summer. True autumn, soft autumn, dark autumn.

This process is referred to as TCI (True Colour Internation) system of personal colour analysis.

What will be your seasonal tone?

Don’t wait for a special occasion – do it today! Or spoil someone special with a gift voucher.



Cairns, North Queensland

Call Denise on 0418 773 227 or email